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Re: [HoE] Review of Epitaph #1

Hmm. Some good feedback. But let me fill you in on what's going on around 

First, the Dime Novels--while I loved them, never made money. Please realize 
that if you pay $5, we get $2 from our distributor. After paying for printing 
($.75) the author ($1000), the art ($1000), we did well to break even. So you 
just won't see those again. (Remember that manufacturers get 40% of the cover 
price--and from that has to come art and author's fees, printing, shipping, 

Second, Veteran of the Faraway War. Yes, it was on the web, but not everyone 
has access to the web. And it was only 2 pages, so come on. . .

Third, Story's End. Your mileage may vary--I liked the story.

Finally, the comic. I loved it--and it goes  along way toward making that 
movie happen. You think a Hollywood exec is going to read our sourcebook? No, 
but they'll read a comic. Too, I think it's neat. I loved it. Liked the story 
too. We'll put up a survey on the web page though and see what folks think. 
If you don't want the comic anymore, we'll nix. By far the most expensive 
part of the book anyway.
