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Re: [HoE] Boise Horror Review

At 12:10 AM 5/10/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>Steve wrote:
><< For those interested, check out:
>I will be trying to get some kind of HoE material into each issue from now
>on in any case.  And in fact have done so for the last few months. >>
>I for one really appreciate it, Steve--and I haven't even read the review 
>yet. ;-)
>Reviews, source material, what-have-you, it all helps grow the hobby. I 
>heartily encourage anybody out there who wants to do so to submit reviews, 
>etc., to any of the on-line gaming sites.
>RPG.net, Azrael (though it sounds like Steve's got 'em covered <g>), 
>Gaming Outpost,

And since I'm da Editor now, I can say I *will* give anyone who wishes to 
send me reviews a fair shake

Graveyard Greg

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