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Re: [HoE] RE: [HOE] Dice odds

At 06:44 PM 5/9/2000 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 5/9/00 1:14:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
>baron11@netmcr.com writes:
><< >Brian "Sorry.. just had to throw my oar in" Leybourne.
> It is worth noting that with revised rules, if you have even one success 
> (before 1s), you do not botch.
> TBS >>
>    Doesn't that just kind of screw up Mage?
>    "Look at me mom! I'm paradox proof!"
>    Maybe it's just me, but WW is fucking themselves over with third edition.
>    -~Flounder

Mage 3rd, you ALWAYS gain a point of paradox for Vulgar magic, actually.
I'm not sure exactly how it works, as I don't have a copy, yet. You also
can't bleed off paradox a point at a time...it all goes at once.

Look at me ma-Oh F-BOOM!