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Re: Power Focus? (was: Re: [HoE] Hey Allan a dice odds question for you)
>Ok, what are Power Foci and in which book are they discussed?
Cyborgs, page 97. Drain of 4 (for four levels), Spirit Loss of 1.
And of course, the funny thing is that even with all that strength, if the
Heavy Can grabs a sword and whales away on a Lurker with an AV of 4...he
does absolutely no damage. ;)
>J A wrote:
> > Hey Dan?
> >
> > Take one Heavy Can Cyborg. Add one Power Focus level 4. Make him
> > Veteran of the Wasted West. Take four levels of Supernatural Strength.
> > This equals ?d12+12. Any more questions? :) Heh, heh, heh.
> >
> > Jason Adkins
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Steve Crow
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