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Re: [HoE] Hand to Hand and Campaign Levels

> >Sure, the sword is the symbol of the Templars.  I think that they're 
> >enough to realize that a sword vs a Lurker (made of metal as hard as the
> >sword) is a losing proposition.  Maybe in the Judgement Day module of 
> >Noon you'll see blocks of squires/men-at-arms with ranged weapons to deal
> >with such, but I think for now the smart Temp puts down her sword and 
> >out the AT rocket!  :-)
>To recycle a phrase from my AD&D days - "I said I was a Paladin.  I never
>said I was stupid."

*shrug* You could say the same of any group or individual that chooses the 
traditional over the "realistic."  Real life examples abound.  :)

Unfortunately, I have players who sometimes have their characters do that 
kind of thing.  Doesn't mean I want to kill 'em off or render them useless 
because of it.

>Allan Seyberth
>Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html
>My freshly made cross, my freshly dug grave,
>I'm still a man but no longer a slave.
>      Scarf Jones, The Railway of Death.  (Burma-Thailand railroad, WWII)
>Why did the chicken cross the road?
>George Orwell:
>Because Big Brother was watching to make sure that it did cross the road,
>although in its heart, the chicken never did.
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Steve Crow

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