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Re: [HoE] [Goff] Hand to Hand and AP

In a message dated Wed, 3 May 2000  9:58:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Grand Master Nilus of the Dark Angel Chapter" <grandmasternilus@hotmail.com> writes:

<< I Dont no if this question has been answered or not but Ill ask again with 
an example
What Happens when a Player H to H weapons Damage is reduced to Zero<<

Normally, I don't "officially" answer HOE questions--I'm just on here as a slighty-more-informed-than-average Marshal, but since this one hits a question that ties with the DL rules, I'll bite. :-)

>>Does the Templar

A) Do know Damage at all(seems kinda unfair since he does have a massive 

b) Does he do just his STR and if so do further AP levels reduce that
For Example if the AP was 7 would his strength be reduced to 4D8<<

A) is correct. He does no damage, which really isn't that unfair when you consider AV 5 completely stops a NA assault rifle which hits with a whole lot more pounds/square inch force than the strongest human can. :-)

Short of some sort of magical edge (like Steve's new gift), he's not going to hack through the armor.

BTW, just to be a rules weenie (since it's kinda my job <g>), a normal sword only does 2d8.

>>Let Me know what the official ruling is


There you have it and no problem!

John Goff
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