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Re: [HoE] Re: hoe-mst3k-{OT}

travis lide wrote:

> ----- Original Message ----- >
> > Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 01:47:04 -0500
> > From: samnmax1@earthlink.net
> > Subject: Re: [HoE]  Has anyone seen "Samson (the Silver Mask Man) vs. The
> Vampire
> <snip>
> >
> > Sounds like a winner!
> > But nothing can compete for sheer gawd-awfulness with...
> >     MANOS: Hands of fate.
> >
> > The part that killed me was no where in there did anyone make the obvious
> > MANOS: The freshmaker. Joke.
> > Hmm maybe I just think its funny. Ah well.  :
> And who could ever forget the haunting Torgo Theme.... ;-)
> Manos is one of my favorites...
> BTW - on a slightly more on-topic.. uhh.. topic, try to find Gunslinger.
> MST3K's first Western movie... a true classic. Complete with dancing girls,
> shootouts, President Taft, room numbers inside the room instead of in the
> hall, etc... it's a damn riot!

Its availible to rent at Blockbuster (here it is anyway) It's great!
Okay back to good ole HoE fun.

Crow -     Whats with that guy with the metal head?

Tom Servo-    Why Crow thats evil Gen. Throckmorton poised to take over the
ruined wasteland we call home.

Crow-     I didnt know we were living in New Jersey?

Joel -No no..he's out to take over whats left after a devestating nuclear
supernatural war.  Only a band of brave heros can stop him.

Tom Servo-    Good lord this isnt another Kevin Costner pic is it!?

Crow-    Ahhhhh! The Postman cometh!

> sinisterdexter@mindspring.com
> To unsubscribe, send a message to esquire@gamerz.net with
>         unsubscribe hoe
> as the BODY of the message.  The SUBJECT is ignored.

And if anyone is from Jersey, well, Sorry.  :)

David Heth
"Pow! And the rabbit is vapor!"