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Re: [HoE] Dead Presidents

In a message dated 4/4/00 9:00:49 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
max.trebilcock@virgin.net writes:

<< My first question, do any of you know who the President of the U.S was
 in the 2050 (2056 to be precise) I can't find it in any sourcebooks.
 Thanks in advance
 Max  >>

OK how about if it was old Trickie Dickie Nixon himself? Froze him after he 
died. Or how about Kennedy, they say no one knows what happened to the body. 
Maybe Throckmorton got ahold of him or something and has done strange things. 
OR is it Hellstrom that does that kind of thing? You only need half a brain 
anyway to run in office right? Just ideas for an alternative reality. Any 
feedback?  :-)
