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Re: [HoE] Meta-Plot Adventures

>>Second, remember how some folks felt the Boise Horror felt rushed at the 
end, >>because of space? Well, a double-sided form will eat up even more of 
that >>precious space...
>>Originally, I'd planned for a 1/3 page coupon the size of a piece of art. I 
think I'm >>going to go back to that. Mind you I'm going to catch holy Hell 
for it from the >>production guys now...
>>Anyway, the coupon has one question with four options to which any group 
that >>completes the adventure can only answer one of the options. 

Probably an unfeasible suggestion, but you could use that 1/3 of a page to 
send people to a page on the website, or suggest they send you a SASE for a 
hard copy of the form, which can be single or double sided (that way you can 
give anyone who isn't on-line a fair shot).

Saves space in the book, although I don't know how many requests for forms 
you'd get through the mail. That would be the possibly unfeasible part.
