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Re: [HoE] New Bionics

----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Burzelic <zombi_bobb@yahoo.com>
To: <hoe@gamerz.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 4:48 AM
Subject: [HoE] New Bionics

> Okay everybody, I came up with some new bionics as the
> subject stated. Tell me what ya'll think.
> The story behind these is that there's only one Junker
> who makes these right now, but that's just my attempt
> at making these more rare and a cheap attempt at
> little story. I won't bore you with it now, I'll put
> it on my website later with these things and you can
> read it then. But onto the bionics.
> Rib Chassis
> Cost:N/A ($2000)
> Type: Integral
> Spirit Loss: 1
> Mounts: 1
> Drain: 1(1)
> Mount Location: Torso
> This system replaces a Scrapper's rib cage with an
> internally braced upper torso. Aside from being a
> glorified and expensive Internal Bracing system the
> chassis was originally designed to support two extra
> arms, which would be located right below the original
> two. For this purpose there are sockets in the sides
> where standard cyber arms are put in. The Rib Chassis
> also eliminates the spirit loss for these two extra
> arms.
> The extra arms are used by spend a separate action to
> concentrate on them and also operate at -8.
> Quad Arm Processor
> Cost:N/A ($4000)
> Type: Integral
> Spirit Loss: None
> Mounts: 1
> Drain: 1(1)
> Mount Location: Head
> This little doo-hickey let's a scrapper comprehend and
> use four arms effectively. It eliminates the penalties
> associated with four arms, allowing them to be used as
> if they were always there. They do however still
> suffer the off-hand penalty unless Two-fisted is
> bought for each arm. In other words the scrapper would
> need to purchase three-fisted and then four-fisted to
> eliminate these penalties.

I have some questions that you did not address.  First off what about the
weight of the entire thing?  I am thinking that a steel torso is a little
heavy to carry on normal waster legs.  Would about being top heavy, you
know, kinda like Dolly Parton?  Would you fall over alot like Toodles the
Tumbling clown?  There are also some serious penalties I think you
overlooked.  Does this provide any type of armoring against EMPs or anytime
there is a nuke explosion do your two bionic arms go limp and you stop
breathing??  The ribs and diaphragm are what allow a waster to breath
(unless of course you are Harrowed), if you take those out you will have to
replace them with some type of mechanical part, which are subject to EMP

        Player 1:  "Oh Geeze!  Did you guys see that explosion?"
        Player 2:  "Yep sure did.  Glad we made it out of there in time."
        Player 1:  "What did you think of it, Six Thousand Dollar Man?"
        Six Thousand Dollar Man:  "Wheezzeee"
        Player 2:  "Oh my God!  He stopped breathing!!"
        Player 1:  "Quick!  Does anyone know CPR?"
        Player 2:  "I have medicine at level 3 I bet I can help him."
        (Player 2 attempts to help his fallen comrade.
        He rolls his medicine roll.  Success!!  That is if this was a normal
        Player 2:  "Yes I think I have done it!"
        Six Thousand Dollar Man:  "Wheezzeee"
        Player 1:  "No you didn't you Brainer, he still can't breath!"
        Player 2:  "Well I don't know how to fix him.  I don't have
        Player 1:  "Well what are we supposed to do for him then?"
        Player 2:  "Dig a hole I guess.  Sorry guy."
        Six Thousand Dollar Man:  "Wheezzeee"

Pretty lousy death don't ya think?  Also you don't want to forget about the
Doomsayer power EMP.  That could really tear him up.  Doomsayers also have
that little power called fusion.  The reason you can't fuse flesh normally
is because the person has a "soul".  Metal doesn't have a soul.  Now your
arms are stuck out to the side and you look a little like an airplane. . .
Not to mention the powers Half-Life, Meltdown, and Sculpt (I will let you
draw your own pictures about what those will do to ya).

The good news is that sykers won't be able to do as much to you as
doomsayers can, the bad news is that it is Slow Burn.  Whatever the armor
value is in xd10 damage to the gizzards!  Ouch!  Probably won't walk away
from that one. . .

Also how do you keep something like that powered up?  A chunk of ghost rock,
spook juice, or a battery?  No doubt that will suck alot of power when you
are punching through walls.

Having four arms is more than likely going to affect how people react to
you.  Persuasion rolls should have some type of a negative, but overawe
rolls could be helped by your freakish exterior.  Last, but not least,
sneak.  Sneaking will be alittle difficult while lugging that stuff around.
I see . . . Darth Vader.

I'm not trying to be totally negative about this though.  It is a mighty
creative idea and would be great for roleplay.  The strength of those bionic
arms would just be crazy!  Like 4d12+8!  You don't like somebody, don't
sweat it, just through a car on them.  Locked in a room with no way out?
Break through the wall.  Should be able to have an armor rating on your
upper guts and gizzards.  That would be cool.  "Bullets?  Is someone
shooting at me??"  The advantages are stupendous, but I just had a few
questions that are sure to come up in gameplay and I was wondering how you
would handle them?  With just a little tweeking this thing could rule!  I
will be sure to visit your website and see what turns out.

Shane (Nope that's not me, that's some other guy)