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Re: [HoE] Iron Oasis / understanding a bit more

--- Machine-gun Kelly <mgkelly@netzero.net> wrote:
> > p.s  to the chap that said we should use are
> immagination and do it our 
> > selves this is a hobby remember not a way of life
> and some of us do have jobs 
> > and a life to run during the day and not all games
> masters can have the time 
> > to invent a DETAILED map and everything else 
> Point. I don't bother to make a map of any town or
> city or whatever the
> posse walks into, even if I made the town up
> [especially if I just made
> the town up.] If one comes in the book, good. If
> not, they'll ask
> directions to where they need to go to get the stuff
> they want. 
> But, that's just the way I run games.

You only ever need a map if they're getting anal about
moving and cover in a firefight.  Mostly you can
ignore it.  It's not like the heroes know the place,
or they wouldn't need a map.  They're unlikely to fly
up into the air (intentionally.  Mines don't count)
and take a peek at the city from the air.

Besides, who said anythign about a detailed map?  It's
not like it matters, is it?  The junkers workshop's
over there.  Pass me the tape measure, I'll tell you
how far...

Sometimes your hunger for life seems like desperation
And when I read about the world these days all I can feel is hatred
The fortune teller is closing her doors
She looked into the crystal and saw nothing at all
Steve Wallace
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