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[HoE] Using Folk Tales (was Templar Book Questions)

Grimm writes:

> Too looney cause it is Paul Bunyon or cause it is an American Folk Tale and
> not subject to actual events. Because i would like to mention then if so,
> remember in Deadlands John Henry is still walking looking for his one missing
> hammers.  :-)

No, no no. Folk tales are GREAT source material,  just "within
reason".   John Henry is reasonable - Paul Bunyan (comparatively) is.
Heck I could even rationalize something like Pecos Bill riding a twister
in Deadlands terms (some harrowed can do it after all).  However, I'd
have issue with a "63 ax handles high" legend romping around in my
campaign, let alone trying to deal with finding his gear:

Marshal:"Okay, you've found a large relic ax."
Posse member:"Cool! I pick it up!"
Marshal:"Uh...its REALLY large."
Posse Member:"Heck, my strength is 4d12! I'll grab it. Like, how large?"

Marshal:"Like as large as an eighteen-wheeler is long."
Posse Member:"Uh....I could roll up...maybe."

I can suspend belief, but not quite that far.  Its just silly.  Now if
you wanted to modify it so Bunyan was just a really tall (maybe size 8
if you want to push it?) really strong lumberjack, and the tales are
just overblown hooey based marginally on fact, his ax would be a
workable thing that you could "relic-ize".

While on the subject, Babe the Big Blue Ox would make a heck of an El
Diablo variant,  I suppose.

Matt Steflik
Master of Wahoo
Gimme Shelter - http://www.geoctites.com/grifflik/