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Re: [HoE] Questions
In a message dated 10/23/99 10:25:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
n9705331@garbo.nepean.uws.edu.au writes:
<< 1. Last Crusaders, The Destroyer: p109 Daphne takes 3 hours to get to
Boise, p112 she takes 5, typo? People not on bikes take up to 10 hours,
why? Even if they go at quarter speed (22mph on average for 90mph) they
can make it in 5 hours.
The difference in travel time for Daphne is a typo. The five hour time is
correct. Non-bikers take much longer because the road is in extremely bad
shape and often blocked with cars. Bikes can slip around many of the wrecks,
but larger vehicles often have to detour off-road or onto side roads.
2. Cyborgs, p50 what exactly is a "post-death" Hindrance? Is it just
something that happened after the can came back or is it one of the
Harrowed ones?
Post-death Hindrances are any Hindrances the character picks up after he
dies. These can be Harrowed Hindrances like degeneration, or an enemy the
hero made while possessed by his manitou.
3. Cyborgs, can weapons be bought (from the Cyborgs book) with cash from
4. Cyborgs, does the manitou's Spirit drops as the can's does when
cybertech is implanted?
5. Cyborgs, do you need some kind of initial hand to be a can (like
starting as a Harrowed in the main book)? >>
No, you can start out as a cyborg.
John Hopler