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Re: [HoE] Templar Book Questions....
<(Most) Useless Stuff snipped.>
Grimmnar@aol.com wrote:
> > 4. Anti Templars, Modeen seems to have the only relic ax amongst them. Are
> > there no other relics about? I was thinking about maybe a Headman`s Ax from
> > say the English museum from the Victorian days, or something along that
> > lines, any ideas input or suggestions?
> Given what the Marshall's section in the Wasted West book says about Europe,
> if
> somebody wants to launch an expedition across the Atlantic to the British
> Museum, tell them I'll remember them fondly. I'm guessing most of the axes
> youre going to find in North America are going to be scavenged from Martial
> Arts shops or Renaissance Festivals, and thus aren't very likely to be
> relics. >>
> Doctor X
> OK, your going on the frypan along with Flounder for your answers as
> well. :-)
Yes, But I'm ACTIVELY SEEKING it. /?} (My patented "Andy Capp" Smiley.)
> As for players taking an expedition to Europe to ravage the English
> Museum, I would think that would have already been done. I was thinking that
> maybe over the years that maybe one or two have made a transatlantic journey
> for one reason or another.
Hmm. Possibly. They'd probably be in museum exhibits, which would mean they'd be
inside a major city, which means all kinds of Monsters, Muties & Misfits (Do I get
anything for the plug? Huh, huh? Do I?), which would mean...hmm...where did I
put my Marshall's Notebook?
> And to say the only ones you would find in the US
> are from Ren Faires or Martial Arts studios would not necessarily be true.
> What of, in game loonynes, Paul Bunion (sp?) Ax, or an old Indian`s ax, or
> from Central America, Aztec or Incan Ceremonial Axes. Just more thoughts. :-)
Well, again, I haven't gotten that far in the templar book. I was thinking more
of battle axes. Will just any old hatchet suffice?
> Grimm
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