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Re: [HoE] Templar Book Questions....

In a message dated 11/28/99 8:39:22 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
Grimmnar@aol.com writes:

<<      -~Flounder >>
 Ya just told me all i already knew damn it. Ok where is my frypan, one 
 flounder flambe coming right up.  :-)  1. As for the junker device, yes way 
 kool. 2. Shields, didnt see any rules that Templars would use them, but i 
 agree with you. 3. Yeah he looks impressive as does his weapon, any stats on 
 it or a normal version of one? 4. Yes i would like to see anyone`s thoughts 
 on Ax Relics for the Anti Templar. 
 Grimm >>

    If you want to know specific answers, then you should ask more specific 
questions. You didn't specify that you knew it was a junker device, you asked 
what it was. I answered. For number two, you asked about templars using 
shields, not the exact rules usage. For number three, I DID answer your 
question. It's no one special, just a very cool looking anti-templar. As for 
four, you asked if there were no relics about. I said there are probably 
relics spread throughout the organization, you made it sound like Modeen had 
the only one.
    Make your questions more specific.
