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Re: [HoE] Product List

> >So, is there going to be a main Lost Colony book, or is it broken up
> >Player's and Marshall's Handbooks?
> one main

The following is from the PEG web page; LC follow the two book model, a la
Revised Weird West.

8000	LC	$25	Lost Colony Player's Guide: Aliens meets High Noon in our third
and final tale of the Deadlands trilogy. It's space-horror with a touch of
the West on the blasted planet called Banshee and the could reaches of the
Faraway System. (144 page hardback)

8001	LC	$25	Lost Colony Marshal's Handbook: All the dirty secrets we can
reveal about Lost Colony can be found in this color-filled tome. Marshals
can find creepy creatures, rules for the strange world of Banshee and its
effects on the Harrowed, and even an introductory adventure! (144 page

B. D. Flory
ICQ# 53912341