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Re: [HoE] ED-210
>> I've posted stats for the Law Enforcement Droid ED-210 at my site at:
>That's pretty cool, Rowan. It needs an SRU, though.
Doh! SRU! I keep forgetting to write down that "free" stuff (I guess I'm
lucky I even remembered AI)
Thanks, I fix it up.
>Other than that, I hope I get the chance to run HoE, just to throw this
>up against my posse.
I'm almost gonna feel guilty springing Ed on my posse ... almost - it just
sounds too fun to pass up.
While I'm here, I started an illustration for ED-210 last night and it's
turning out pretty well, so I'll be wacking it up in the gallery when I get
it finished.
Rowan Dodds
"Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don`t."
Dead Man's Creek - http://www.redrival.com/dmc/