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Re: Toxic Tunes (was Re: [HoE] Product Announcements)
Nope, but with Shane's permission, I could make an mp3
of one song from there and post it on my page so
people who are considering buying it can hear a song
--- Doctor X <doctorx@aa.net> wrote:
> Sounds altogether cool. Do any MP3 or Real Audio
> samples I can check out
> exist?
> Michael wrote:
> > Toxic Tunes is 11 or so (I don't have the CD case
> with
> > me in the hotel) tracks of great music. There
> aren't
> > any words on it (that I notice). As for category,
> it's
> > techno-western (that is, techno music with a
> western
> > feel to it). It's great background music whether
> for
> > studying or playing Hell on Earth. I also listen
> to it
> > when I'm reading the TGW and WW (plural of series)
> by
> > Harry Turtledove. Esp. the Roanoke and
> Chicago(sp?)
> > scenes, respectively.
> >
> > To sum it up: I reccomend it.
> >
> > --- Doctor X <doctorx@aa.net> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Cool, thanks.
> > > One little question: Is Toxic tunes still
> available?
> > > And what's on it?
Michael Shindler, ICQ #13820058
"Your chair's broken" - "Jack"
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