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Re: [HoE] Character Generator News - All Users Please Read (Long)

In a message dated 11/20/99 1:12:56 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
mgkelly@axom.com writes:

<< Sure Grimm! Do things the easy way! Geez! ;]
 Still, I wouldn't object to putting out $5 to get it on a disk. Might make 
DL'ing a bit quicker for the updates if you already have the required .dlls 
installed. Not only that, but DL'ing 15-20 Megs would take forever. Will the 
DLCG, HoECG, and BNWCG all be on the same disk? 
 MGk >>

Well, what can i say, i work for a major computer store chain, can you say 
Buy things at cost? I knew you could. But anyways withy our average CD of any 
type able to store 650 megs, yes you could put all the Character Generators 
on one CD. I only say it, because someone asked it in an earlier post.
