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Re: [HoE] Hopefully, constructive criticism (WAS Re: [HoE] Mason-Dixon Wall)

I once sent this to Shane in a personal letter and I will state it here again. (
No I am not kissing ass.)

I have been gaming for over 20 years. I have played FAR too many games to list
here. When Deadlands came out I was NOT interested. I looked at the cover art and
gave it a pass. A friend of mine ( Thank you Pete) bought it ( Pete has far too
much money for his own good and is always buying new games. ) but didn't feel
like running it.. So he gave it to me. I read through it and was blown away. In
my 20 years of gaming Deadlands was the best game I had come across. The game
mechanics were fantastic, easy to understand and fairly realistic. But more than
that, the source books were great. I loved how they were written in character
from someone familiar with the subject. And MORE THAN THAT, they were interesting
to read.
 I had a personal disaster befall me and my ex left me and ran off to Texas (
Know why the trees in Oklahoma all point south? Cuz Texas SUCKS!!!) and she took
ALL of my Deadlands books. I had to start all over. I went to a con and met some
folks from PEG and when I told one about this he ended up giving me a Deadlands
book. ( Just like any good Crack dealer... first one's free...hehe.) Now this
wasn't much but it also impressed me that the folks at AEG were not money
grubbing like TSR or White wolf. So again I say.... Thank you Shane for a
wonderful game and thank you PEG for letting him do it..

PEGShane@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 11/17/99 10:17:12 AM Eastern Standard Time, doctorx@aa.net
> writes:
> << There is fear,
>  though.  Fear of seeing that company head down that slippery slope that T$R
> and
>  Wh$te Wo$f have descended, where the Bottom Line takes precedent over
> putting out
>  a good or original product.  And if, in the process of trying to pull you
> away, I
>  should end up tearing your sleeve, all I can do is say Sorry and that I
> merely
>  feared for your safety. >>
> Thanks for the comments. It's a constant dilemma. If we reprint everything
> that has gone before, people will complain. If we reference another book,
> someone will complain. We try very hard to walk the line. You don' t need to
> know anythign about Lost Colony to play HOE, though it would certainly  help
> flesh your syker out. Our rules is this: We give you everything you need, and
> show you everything you might *want.* Do we always do it just right?
> Certainly not. Hell, there's not much around we do just right--but we try
> constantly to improve, and we sure care a lot about what we do.
> Thanks again for constructive criticism!
> Shane
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