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Re: [HoE] Cyborgs and Mutations
>How cybered is the heavy can? Cyborg limbs are immune to mutation, but
>liek samson just enhance teh existing flesh, they don't replace it (could
>wrong on that, but don't ave the cyborgs book)
> >
> > For that matter, would a Cyborg be pretty much immune to the Doomsayer's
> > Mutate (or Mutie for a Day) ability?
> >
>Nope. They might not get a mutation for it (If it's something that
>wokr on a can) but would still take damage as (remaining) flesh and nerves
>twisted and destroyed.
I'm thinking mostly of Heavy Cans, and the pictures of them in the Cyborg
SB. If you look at these, it appears that there isn't something for the
Doomsayer to _touch_ that is fleshlike. And if there isn't anything
fleshlike, wouldn't make them essentially immune to, say, Mutate! ?
> >
> - doug -
> > ---
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