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Re: [HoE] Using Minis in HoE

Doctor X wrote:

> Get a ruler and figure out some sort of appropriate scale.

I might start with the BNW scale, 1 inch == 2 yards.  Adjust as needed.

> As for scenery,
> I have a shoe box filled with empty cigarette packs, matchboxes and cassete
> tape cases that have served me well over the years.  For detail, get a new
> sponge and cut it up for foliage.  I also keep a handful of coins in
> various denominations to serve as trees, rocks, etc.

And we can represent big rocks with little rocks!

> GEOHEX is something
> that happens to other people.

I assume you mean those hex maps with the terrain printed on them?  I never
really liked hex gaming.

> Beyond that, you don't have to do anything that you don't do for
> wargaming.

When I wargammed I borrowed scenery off a friend who had nothing better to do
than make lots of scenery.  So I got used to elaborate (if somewhat unstable)
scenery.  Not to mention the height you can reach with 3 boxes of necromunda

> Have a decent surface to set them down on and don't let the cat
> up there.  (Unless you need to simulate a dragon or something.)

We used to use a budgie for that.  He had a vicious temper, and would attack
minitures.Doug Stalker wrote:

I'll try to give this a try this weekend, and let everyone know how it went.

 - doug -