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Re: [HoE] Something About a Templar...

Atomicandy@aol.com wrote:

> << Or maybe just a sniper would do... after showing how well he can wade
>  through
>   the baddies he'd be designated a prime target by a sniper concealed quite a
>   distance away.  Hmmm... a junker sniper. >>
> A well-hidden Tainted Junker with a Gun Browser and a rifle equipped with
> scope and suppressor is absolutely viscious as long as you (the Marshall)
> have chips.

In the adventure in Road warriors out posse's junker made up a very big sniper
rifle... I cant recal details, but it was something like base damage 5d10, range
50, speed 2, ammo capacity 1, named Mjollnir after Thors Hammer.  Using a single
hollow point slug the parties templer aimed for a few rounds at the lead guy from
quite a distance while the doomie and syker snuck up close, then using radios to
co-ordinate actions he shot the bad guy in the head for sufficient damage that
the marshall couldn't even save him with the chips he had saved.

Do that in reverse, and you have a very dead PC.

> A blue chip will do nutty damage - automatic head shot with
> double damage!  The suppressor baffles the sound of the rifle making it hard
> for a posse to pick out the sniper.

Even if you spot the sniper, he should be prone with good cover making him very
hard to hit.  He probably has the advantage of range on the posses, especially if
it is a junker gun (range increment of 500 if needed)  So the posse have to reach
him while he can pick them off as they approach.  Give him a shield to protect
against lucky shots, and the posse is in real trouble.
