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Re: [HoE] Re: mutant monsters and misfits, killer klowns, iron oasis, etc.

I don't think the adventures are crapy.. We had a saying in the army. it's a poor
workman who blames his tools. Those adventures when run by a good Marshal are like
any other. Good or bad depends on the marshal running...

Kirt Dankmyer wrote:

> > this isn't going to the norm.  "Me need adventures -adventures good!"
> I'd like to counterpoint this, since I know PEG folks read the list. Many of
> the adventures are, IMHO, sub-par, and I'd rather use those pages for quality
> source material, as was done in the Junker book and the Cyborg book. And since
> I don't usually use prepackaged adventures, even if the adventures is good I'd
> rather have the pages used for something else. Save the adventures for the
> Dime Novels, that way I don't have to buy 'em. In fact, the fact there is no
> adventure is part of what, IMHO, made the Junkers book and the Cyborgs books
> two of the best books in the series so far, those extra pages for material are
> a very good thing. I approve of the fact Pinnacle has decided to NOT remain
> firm on the "one crappy adventure for every book" rule.
>         -Loki (and I hate zombies, too)
> --
> Kirt "Loki" Dankmyer <loki@triadntr.net> My opinions are my own, YMMV, BYOB.
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