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Re: [HoE] Some questions on Weird west Characters in Wasted west...

At 11:50 AM 11/5/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I seem to remember there being something in one of the books ( don't remember
>which one) about Weird west characters ( specifically hucksters and Blessed)
>having special rules in HoE. Does anyone know where these are?

Well, there's something in Junkman cometh about Hucksters, but I largely
ignore it in my game. The minimum card hands are raised by one level <so
Ace Hexes need a duece> But no other card levels are raised, and it's +4 to
all backlash rolls. It might be workable for a Just starting out huckster,
but I sort of thing a 200 year old vet will keep up with the power curve.

The only Blessed rule I've seen is a houserule about adding the fear level
to the TN of miracles, but again, I ignore it. A fear level is a fear level
is a fear level. The reason Deadlands are nastier in HOE is that there's a
LOT of them, not that they're more powerful.
