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Re: [HoE] Sodas!!

Well usually yes but not always. In Tokyo it cost more to buy a nikon camera
than the same camera in New York. ( The cameras are made near Tokyo) The
Japanese do this to drive other camera makers out of the market. ( Price down
their produce to out side buyers)

Atomicandy@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 11/04/1999 11:25:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> mgkelly@axom.com writes:
> << Outbreak of Mad Cow disease spread by Pestilence killed off a lot of
>  beeves. Betcha ;]
>   >>
> I'm sure it did. But it doesn't matter how much cattle is out there.  Price
> will be lower closer to the source, not higher.
> Rick - Atomic Candy
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