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Re: [HoE] Sodas!!
While we're on the subject of soda. Soda costs way too much in the listings.
Soda is relatively easy to make. Carbonated water and high fructose
corn-syrup. Yum Yum! Soda should cost next to nothing compared to things
like coffee, chocolate, pure cane sugar, and spices. These all come from
tropical sources and the closest place would be Mexico. Time for the spice
trade to re-emerge as a lucrative business. (Could be some adventures in
that as guards on a caravan. Political intrigue and assassination to protect
routes.) All kinds of stuff would cost differently than in the books.
Regional differences would make all kinds of things cost more or less. A
glaring mistake in "Leftovers" was the fact that beef cost MORE in Near
Wichita, where it's relatively plentiful, than in other parts of the wasted
west. For players to suspend disbelief, there has to internal logic.
Sometimes, PEG is sadly lacking in internal logic. There, I've vented my
Rick Paige - Atomic Candy