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Re: [HoE] A Complete Review Of HoE
> first of all, thanks for the reviews! I like reading reviews and you
covered your bases well.
I hope so. I am, after all, a bit of a completist.
>> 2. Brainburners
>> Overall thoughts: Good, definitely required for Sykers.
>> I liked it, tho I thought it was a teensy bit powerful with a few of the
powers. but thats a personal thing, not a real criticism.
>> depending how your player rolls, it may be awhile before you get to enjoy
a Backlash. I have yet to see a Syker in one of my >> games do so. (ed
note: yes, I know you spent chips not to, Mr. L.. ;-)) IOW, I agree.
Yeah, as I read the main book last August I got the impression that
repercussions from use of arcane abilites was much more rare in HoE. Then
again, everything is ten-fold more deadly. That and there are few powers
that effect multiple opponets (that seems to be the domain of the Doomies),
can we say Outnumbered?
>> 4. Road Warriors.
> I had issue with the NO part that seemed to contradict WW. otherwise, I
The NO part? Is that an acronym that I just can't seem to recal? <<flipping
through book>> I dunno, clue me in here....
>> 5. Last Cruasders
>> Of particualr
>> note, I though using John Wayne as the Saint of Grit was *perfect*, with
>> that nifty back story about his conflicts with the reckoning. Totally
> I think this is odd considering what you have a problem with above. Esp.
if you know alot about John Wayne.
How so? (and what problem above, the Atum thing?) As for using Wayne, it was
just neat to see him personify, in the HoE verion of 'real life', what he
meant to a lot of people in the real world. He was a tough guy, *the*
American tough guy. As for knowing a lot about John Wayne, i'm not exactly
sure what you mean, are talking about the dreaded real lives of actors we
seldom see?
>> 6. The Junkman Cometh
>> OK. I gotta admit, John Hopler (and this book) are currently tops on my
>> for best RPG supliment for next years Origins awards.
> I agree 100% with this statement. I even second it. This to me was part
of what made the book for me.
That seems to be the general concensus on the list. Still can't quite get
over how good it was.
Chris Aniballi
"Fill yer hand, you son of a b@#$%!" - John Wayne
The ashtray says / you were up all night
When you went to bed / with your darkest mind
Your pillow wept / and covered your eyes
Wilco - "A Shot In The Arm"