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[HoE] the game I run

I run a game of HOE at my school (www.sudval.org). It's a lot of fun, and 
it's affected by the different atmosphere, cause there are lots and lots of 
people around. Also our sessions tend to be rather short, and it's all 
affected because one of our players is Clerk of the Judicial Commitee (the 
organ that deals justice in school-democratically. go to the website). 
Anyhoo, these are the characters-

Lincoln Powell- a honorable, big mouthed Law Dog. Is looking foward to 
fanning his pistol, he's seen it done a lot on TV.

Lilly Henmann- a high falutin, stubborn, curious Librarian, the daughter of 
an late Movie Town director. her player is going to be in Hawaii for two 

Desmond- a ugly, obese, flatulant Doomsayer who can breath underwater. Just 
joined the posse.

Nikki Rosa- a purty, gun-less Templar. Blessed by St.Earp and St.Blaze. 
Extroadinarily nimble.

Lizzy Fay Fyfield- A soccer mom turned gunslinger. Likes to shoot 
"hooligans". The posse's driverm (she has a mini-van).

Lunine- a savage, a 8 year old stuck in a 16 year old body. The Librarian is 
teaching her how to read. 

At first, the posse didn't have Desmond. Desmond's player played a Veteran of 
the Wierd West, a Mad Scientist. Since the game originally centered around 
Movie Town, the scientist's punishment was a bunch of movie charachters 
attacking him, that only he could see. They included the people from 
Clockwork Orange, Wesley Snipes from Demolition Man, Dirty Harry, and Haley 
Mills, among others. 
The Movie Town campaign was about solving the murders of the Director's 
critics. Jean (The critic who was killing them off to frame the Director) had 
turned into a Servitor of Death. At first, his weakness was espresso 
withdrawl. After expirmenting with his espresso, the posse thought he was an 
android. After Lilly's best friend (Tory Spelling the IV) was killed by this 
guy in a dream of Lilly's, and in real life, they started figuring stuff out. 
They could only defeat him by beating him in Movie Trivial Pursuit. The 
Director himself beat Jean, and Jean commited suicide on the Templar's sword. 
The Mad Scientist went mad, and killed the Director and almost killed the 
Librarian. The local Law Dog (a NPC, Jane Swindall's brother) killed the 
scientist on the spot.
After spreading the tale of the great deed, they headed for the Grand Library 
in Sacramento. After fighting a hippy commune that was worshiping the Croaker 
Goddess, they found their way there. At that point, Lilly had a delayed 
reaction to a drug a hippy gave her, and passed out (basically, this is an 
excuse to keep the character around till Boise for 2 weeks, when her player 
will be back). I think in between the posse and their new destination 
(Boise), they'll meet some freemen. Any tips?

Peter Berard
The Jolly Gringo