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Re: [HoE] Re: Templar Observations (Redux)

> > One character
> > was badly wounded while inserting himself between the Templar and the 
> > (using his Fightin' to block/parry, essentially).
>On another note, how does this posse member feel about this particular
>Templar's actions and has he/she changed their view of the Templars
>because of it? Image is very important to what the Templars are doing.

It was a NPC.  Granted, he's leaving the party over it, but the rest of the 
party members (all the rest are PCs) remained unconcerned.  Including the 
one who was holding the girl at the time and was a bit busy...well, running 
to do much defensively.

Granted, the NPC might spread the tale, but since he's a trog (don't ask - 
another long story :) ), it's unlikely it's going to get much "play" either.

It's a small group, so the real breakdown is:

1 - NPC Trog, Sidekick to #4 below

2 - Templar in question, alternating between sucking up damage from servitor 
and trying to kill girl

3 - Heroic Old-West Huckster busy getting the girl out of harm's way and 
talking her out of it - really unhappy about situation but not wanting to 
push it

4 - Heroic Law Dog busy fending off Servitor - not too happy either

5 - Indifferent low-on-strain Doomsayer - said he was planning on leaving 
under the same rationale of "If half the group isn't going to let us kill 
the girl, we can't defeat it and I'm not going to throw away my life on a 
pointless cause" that the Templar was using.

And yes, I've got stuff in mind for the Doomsayer.  He definitely will be 
getting a mutation.  He's also (as most Doomsayers apparently must be) in 
closer contact with his mentor (Trevor Baines) so that he can learn new 
Doomsayer powers.  He'll be getting a not-too-subtle warning (as you can 
imagine Trevor administering) and may get a cutoff on Children of the 
Atom-type Doomsayer powers for a while (which you've got to learn from 
someone, basically).  Oh, and did I mention the nearby community and the 
girl were mutants?  Yep.

Oh well, the next session is hopefully tonight, so we'll see what happens.

>"Guns don't kill people. Bullets kill people."
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