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[HoE] Re: Hell on bikes?

<<  So here's the question: how exactly would
 you folks handle bicycle (yeah - the "man powered" kind) driving (and
 combat?!) in this system? >>

Ok, off the top of my head that's a 1-point Belongin's edge for the bike.  
Bike can double (triple?) pace, but requires the Drivin': BMX skill.  -2 to 
shooting when riding, increasing to -6 (-2 + -4) when "running" (moving over 
half maxium pace).  In combat attacks with Drivin': BMX skill (if you feel 
generous) or Fightin: BMX (if you don't).  Do Str + 1d4 damage, or Str + 1d6 
with a good head of steam.
