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Re: [HoE] New Veterans o' the Wasted West table
I`m interested email is goliath@tinet.ie
-----Original Message-----
From: Horace Black <horaceblack@yahoo.com>
To: HOE list <hoe@gamerz.net>
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 10:31
Subject: [HoE] New Veterans o' the Wasted West table
> I saw that a lot of people on the HOE list (all 5)
>where looking for a more expanded Veteran o' the
>Wasted West table. So I sat down and wrote one up.
> It's written in word 97 and uses the crackhouse
>font, I hoped by writing this table to put the fear
>back in the wasted west table. If anyone is
>interested e-mail me and I will send it as soon as I
>can, the only thing I ask is that you e-mail me back
>with any comments or criticisms.
> Horace Black
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