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[HoE] Re: Questions
> > << Not to sound rude or anything, but, Charles who? >>
> >
> > Charles Ryan
> Which books was he involved in? I'm pretty sure I've heard the name, but
> it'snot ringing any bells.
Charles' ties with PEG go way back--his old company, Chameleon Eclectic, published the
earliest two offerings from Pinnacle (Fields of Honor historical minis rules and The
Last Crusade CCG). He did some work on the early DL books in a layout/graphic design
If you check the credits in your HOE books, you'll catch his name in most of those
books--I can't swear to exactly how much of each he worked on, but he was the HOE brand
manager for several months or so at the end of 1998 through Spring 1999. He wrote the
Dime Novel Infestations, performed at least a portion (if not all) of the editting/lay
out on The Last Crusaders, Road Warriors, Something About a Sword, Brainburners, The
Junkman Cometh, and the Children o' the Atom. Monsters, Muties, & Misfits (along with my
own personal favorite--for obvious reasons--Killer Clowns) came in right as he was
moving to work at Last Unicorn Games--on the West Coast.
Needless to say, this slowed things down just a tad as John stepped in and picked up the
slack. John's been doing double-overtime to pick up the slack from what I hear and he's
gettin' there pretty fast now. ;-)