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Re: [HoE] Release Dates

JJ Thornton wrote:

> What about witches. These are a favorite char. type amounge female members
> of my group. I seems that this AB was introduced and then nothing was done
> with it.
If memory serves me right, a while back someone from Pinnacle (Shane
maybe?) commented on the list that there were no plans to do a witch
book, but they'd accept new material from players for the site.  Mind
you, this was a while ago that I remember this being discussed. The
situation might have changed since then, but I haven't heard anything
about it since.  I wouldn't hold my breath, though.  If anything,
perhaps they'll lump some more material on them in with "Toxic Shamans"
or whatever then end up calling it (Isotopic Indians, Nuclear Native
Americans, Radioactive Non-Ravenites?). But, hey - I've been wrong

Matt Steflik
Master of Wahoo
Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik/