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[HoE] Feed Your Head (Battery)

Doug said -

> Assuming you have a power jack in the head.
> If something like this did happen, wouldn't the cyborg be able to shut-down
> the power jack?  Or perhaps a cleaver junker could get around that.
> Come to think of it, would you need the head or just the spirit fetter?
The way I'm figuring on using it, the jack would probably be installed
after decapitation occurred (this isn't for a player, but rather as
campaign wahoo fun factor).  But whaddya mean "would you need the
head"?  Of COURSE you NEED the head!  It needs an...uh...material
focus...er, ah...or something...and, uh....aw, hell.  Fine.  It just
LOOKS cooler, O.K.? : )

Matt Steflik
Master of Wahoo
Gimme Shelter - http://www.geocities.com/grifflik/