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Re: [HoE] missing Something?

At 06:45 AM 9/22/99 PDT, you wrote:
>*sigh* I meant the rationale behind the "can't be fixed" aspect (which ties 
>in to the "if you fail to heal, it's permanently unhealable" concept in the 
>various healing abilities).  Not the rationale as to why an arm was blown 

Ok, how about this: The arm is missing in the spirit world. There's nothing
for the "spirit fetter" to connect to. Lemme explain...

As Ghost Dancers goes into, we have physical and spiritual bodies.
Generally speaking, whatever happens to one also happens to the other. But
the Hunting Grounds being what they are, this isn't always the case. Let's
suppose, for example, that someone who loses an arm on his physical body
doesn't necessarily lose the same arm on his spiritual body. Let's say its
been maimed or crippled physically, but if they were to enter the Hunting
Grounds via a Visionquest or Open Portal favor or whatever, the spirit body
still has all its fully-functional limbs. (This isn't exactly how Ghost
Dancers says it would work, but Marshalls are given a LOT of leeway in the
Hunting Grounds.)

In the case with the Cyborg who draws VotWW and comes up Maimed, then
what's happened is his spiritual as well as physical arm has been
destroyed. If he were to enter the Hunting Grounds, he'd still be a
one-armed bandit and still be missing an arm. That's why the Cyborg
enhancement/arm/etc. won't attach itself, there's no conduit or connection
to the right part of the spirit body. Most Cyborgs don't have this problem,
they chop off the limb, slap on a replacement, and they are ready to go
because either the spirit fetter or the manitou or the hero himself has
kept the spirit body intact. With VotWW, then maybe the Cyborg tangled with
something REALLY nasty with more influence in the spirit world, and his
spirit body's arm got destroyed/removed. Or maybe he actually went through
the Hunting Grounds via a portal or a nightmare or whatever, and lost it

So that's what you'd tell your ticked off player, at any rate. But it
doesn't necessarily end there. You could say, for example, that maybe the
arm is missing... as in, whatever took it off maybe still has it, or maybe
it got separated and is off wandering on its own, or maybe has bonded to
another spirit. You could then tell the character that if they could enter
the Hunting Grounds and track it down, they might be able to reattach the
spirit arm and then that would allow enhancements to be added. He'd need to
find a pretty kick-ass shaman (or maybe a Junker with a good Browser
spirit), enter the Hunting Grounds, find it, attach it, then get out...
majorly HUGE Vision Quest here. Hopefully enough to discourage the casual
powergamer to pursue it, but otherwise might be a lot of fun for a creative

>Since I asked for some rationales so I could compare and possibly pick one, 
>it's probably redundant for someone else to post to suggest I doing so.  :)
>*sigh* Remind me next time I toss out a more-or-less unexplored or vague 
>concept in HoE as something for discussion and the comparison of ideas, not 
>to bother.   While some folks such as Mr. Bright and a few others were 
>indeed very helpful in this regard, a response of "Use your imagination" 
>really doesn't contribute much to the exchange of ideas...
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