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Re: [HoE] Cyborg cold cuts

> Base-line question:
> 1)  Should PC's be allowed to compensate for hindrances?
> Answer:
> 1)  Yes.  The rules allow you to buy 'em off.  It would be silly and
> unrealistic to not be able to compensate for them?
> Possible issues with answer.
> 1)  Game balance.
>         a) Character points:  Should a PC be allowed to get "free" character
> points by spending game money?  (or trade goods, or whatnot)

One simple solution to this would be to require that the charecter spends time
"attuning" to the new limb.  You dont just plug it in and it works, you have to
practice moving it, learning which impulses move the arm which way.

How do you represent the time spent learning this?  Spend charecter points on it.
How many?  as many as you need to buy off the hinderence.

>         b)  VotWW:  Is already cheap for the price.  Minimizing the impact from
> it's disadvantages only increases the munchkin factor of the edge.

You could make them buy off 15 points worth of hinderence for it.  Remember you can
only put one point towards buying off a hinderance each gaming session (IIRC)

>         c)  Freebies:  A PC buddy builds a cybernetic arm.  Back to the free
> character points issue.

Of course, as well as spending the char points the PC needs to get the arm in the
first place.
