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Re: [HoE] Cyborg cold cuts
><< Which bounces back to the question - why can't a Junker build a
> arm for someone that had their arm "magically" blown off/unhealable? And
> a Marshall, what kind of monstrous-type ability would I have to create
> one doesn't already exist - again my question - I take it it doesn't...?)
> I want to make _sure_ this option isn't available to the character? >>
>Since this is part of the Vet of the Weird West and the character is
>to have a background story a mile long, work with the palyer to have an
>appropriate answer. Be a Marshal, dude, not such a whiner for the
I'm not talking about the Veteran chart now (and never really was - again I
never claimed I would let someone take the disad and then buy it off
immediately). I'm tossing it out for discussion of the overall concept, the
basis for that concept, and for ways to implement it once the game has
But it's hard to have an "appropriate" answer if it's unclear what the
rationale was in the first place. A few suggestions of the rationale were
tossed out which did contribute.
Steve Crow
"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"
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