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[HoE] Re: Another cyborg?
In a message dated 09/17/1999 11:54:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
crow_steve@hotmail.com writes:
<< We were creating a Cyborg/Harrowed character, a Veteran of the _Weird_
and noted that the eye and limb loss results on that tables (from The Wasted
West) specify that bionics can _not_ be used to replace the lost organ.
Ummm, why not? We understand that if a healing roll is failed (as per the
listings under Touch of the Doomsayer, Lay on Hands, et. al), the wound is
permanent. But if, say, your arm has literally been blown off or vaporized,
what is it that prohibits you from attaching a cyborg/bionic limb? We
didn't totally follow the reasoning here...
Also, what about a Harrowed who, say, deliberately cuts his arm off for a
cyborg replacement version? Obviously, the "Arm Loss" Weird Wewst/handicap
would have no bearing here (and I wouldn't allow it as a Marshal). Still,
just as a matter of background/justification, is this possible within the
framework of the existing game rules?
In-game answer:
The injury which resulted in the subject's death, or injuries sustained after
death, resulted in irreversable nerve and/or structural damage which prevents
the attachment of cybernetic appliances to replace that portion of the
corpse. Alternately the damage actually affected the brain itself,
destroying that portion of the brain which governs motor control of that area
of the body. Physically the limb may be intact, but the ability to control
it is gone.
Out-of-game answer:
Pro: You get an extra 15 points.
Con: You lose the use of a limb.
You said it is redundant to say this, so ok, I'm being redundant -- most
people need to hear something 5-7 times before they really learn it anyway.
If you don't like it, make up something else.
As far a deliberately cutting off a limb I don't see it as nearly the same
thing. Of couse, if they want to do it using a chainsaw or a 40mm cannon....