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[HoE] Skinnies

   There are other clues about the Skinnies, first, it says they were less 
powerful when alone.  This, plus the 'organic' nature of the banshee stones 
leads me to believe the skinnies are not 'antibodies' but actually Anouk 
'vampires' who drain life force from the other anouks and turn it into raw, 
destructive, power.  I'd be willing to bet that they are the results of 
anouks making a supernatural deal with something unsavory (either that or 
them, under attack, and releasing something nahsy because they felt that 
nahsty thing the lesser evil). 
   So far the best Lost Colony theory I've heard is that Faraway is the 
'Earth of the far far future/Past'.  It does fit, because otherise you get 
'Earth: Wierd West'.. 'Earth. Wasted West'... 'Far away space colony'?  And 
that pattern doesn't seem to fit.