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[HoE] Patenting RPGs
This whole patenting thing reminds me of the time that Marvel Comics
tried to slap a trademark on the name "Adolf Hitler." Needless to say,
they failed in this ludicrous endeavour as, I am sure, WotC would fail
if they tried to patent the concept of the RPG.
Lets be clear hear - if they have a chance to patent a concept that has
been with us for centuries (we all role-played as children in the
playground, didn't we?) then surely companies like Decipher, FASA, etc
could attempt to patent the concept of the CCG. However, from memory,
the only company that has the legitimate right to THAT patent IS WotC!
On the flip side of this we would not be having this discussion by
e-mail if it were not for the joint works of Dave Arneson and Gary
Gygax who expanded table-top battles into a fantasy milieux inspired by
the work of Tolkien which became the original D&D.
Its easy to knock a large company, especially a successful and
expanding one such as WotC. However, it is they who have been absorbed
by Hasbro and not the other way round. It is likely that if any looney
attempt such as this rumoured patent is in existence it is due to
Hasbro and not WotC.
WotC have done a lot of good for the gaming industry - we wouldn't have
Doomtown without Garfield's original concept for Magic: the Gathering.
They have also, to a degree, nurtured the rpg industry by spinning off
our favourite games into licensed CCG's. This has helped get different
hobby gamers to meet and, in many cases, experience games they
otherwise would not have played. Not a bad thing in my opinion.
I think maybe we should just wait and see what WotC/Hasbro announce on
this one.
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