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[HoE] [OT] news item
I thought some people might be interested in this announcement.
Forwarded message:
> From owner-rpganews-l@oracle.wizards.com Thu Sep 9 19:33 CDT 1999
> Hi all. Today it was announced in a press release that Hasbro is acquiring
> Wizards of the Coast. This should be completed by the end of the month, but
> is not done yet. It is very likely, but not final.
> How will this affect RPGA? For the most part, it will not affect how we do
> things at all. In the corporate structure, we are a level of detail that a
> parent company will probably not look too closely at. This means that the
> people at Wizards of the Coast who have been guiding the RPGA and its staff
> will continue to do so, and the RPGA will continue to be a more important
> part of Wizards' strategies to promote roleplaying and (of course) our games.
> So, your Living City characters are safe, the Living Greyhawk campaign and
> 3rd edition will still launch at Gen Con next year, there still will be a
> Gen Con next year (and a Winter Fantasy in January), Polyhedron will keep
> coming, and so forth. Relax. This is good for us.
> We won't know more until after the end of the month.
> Note: pre-registration for Winter Fantasy will begin very soon. We look to
> see you all there. It'll be quite a party.
> Robert Wiese
> RPGA Network
> Email: rpgahq@wizards.com
> Customer Service: 1-800-324-6496