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SV: [HoE] Re: Deadlands: From the Ashes
Well if people like stuff like this, I can post something similar, might
not be so good. But it will let you know how i think and act. ( Am i
missing something, or was that mail for a reason?,if not then im not
missing something : ) )
Yours truly...
> Fra: Gwydion758@aol.com
> Til: hoe@gamerz.net
> Emne: [HoE] Re: Deadlands: From the Ashes
> Dato: 7. september 1999 19:20
> Well, once again we have to put up with the outstanding storytelling
> of Mr. B.D. Flory. It's people like you sir that make me sick. When I
> of how pathetic my own creative skills look when compared to this.... :)
:) :)
> Seriously, it's a very good tale complete with some interesting
> foreshadowing. The dedication at the end really threw me, I'm not really
> sure why. Guess I have some issues out there somewhere.
> I am curious about how much of the character developement came from you
> from your players. On the occaisions when I get to play, I usually need
> few sessions to get a handle on how a character is going to act. The
> characters in your tale seemed to jump onto the stage already seasoned
> ready for a slow radioactive roasting.
> My players are still firmly entrenched in the Wierd West, and truthfully
> haven't been trying very hard to change that. Maybe when they're
> playing in the Maze I'll throw them into the Hunting Grounds for a little
> walk-about down HOE way.
> Please continue. Throw another bone to the freakin' masses,
> Jeff
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