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Re: [HoE] Cyborgs Qs

On Sat, 04 Sep 1999 18:33:37 -0400 Machine-gun Kelly 
<mgkelly@axom.com> wrote:

> >  He's
> > not dead, but he is a cyborg, right?
> > 
> Nope. Not cybernetically enhanced like a human would be, but a Cyborg.
> Meaning he was dead, came back Harrowed, and was made into a Cyborg.
> Cyborgs are deaders with implants.

Yup, killed in Yuma in 2081.
Damn crack again.

We are not young and beautiful, we are not rich and bold
We are not your people, who bought the dreams you sold
And we hate your smiling faces and we hate what you have done
We hate your patronising and we hate your cold blue eyes
Steve Wallace