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Re: [HoE] Special Bound books

Is this HOE special bound book different from the one released at last year's

At 05:11 PM 7/14/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Just wanted to point this out,
>       But seeing as how Deadlands Wierd West tends to do pretty much the same
>things HoE wil, just a while before, I think we should all take note of the
>leather-bound Deadlands book.
>       Why?  Because Leather, though perfect for deadlands, will probably not
>the binding material for the upcoming HoE special bound book (to be
>released after the HoE Card Game), but I bet a special bound book is in the
>works, and as someone who knows about these matters, I think we should all
>begin working out....
>               because do you how much that Uranium cover is going to
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