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[HoE] Junk rules and Marv's motorcycle

>>Patrick Phalen wrote...

>>"Why couldn't you just find some glass and a metal tube and do the
>>machining/grinding/whatever to make a conventional rifle scope?"

	Here is the fundamental problem with the Junk rules.  IF you want to do
something the Junker way, it's hideously time-consuming and complicated as
opposed to the 'MacGuyver" way (outlined above, using a pair of spectacles
and a nail file to make a rifle scope), which would be simpler and just as
'junky'.  Look at Marv's Motorcycle in Junkman Cometh, a whole page of ten
point text, big calculations with numbers like '18.3' in them, and...
and... What do you have at the end?

	A motorcycle with a gun duct-taped to it.

	The 'point system' outlined in the HoE rulebook was complex, but just
bearable and only got really wierd when your items did strange things, but
the Jonkman cometh stuff was WAYYY off base.  They weren't just additional
powers, they were a complete overhaul of the rules in a too too complex
manner.  Occult Engineering is NOT supposed to be like REAL engineering!!!

	To the next person who says 'the new junker rules aren't so bad', I say
imagine this situation.  Your Junker is asked to jury rig something.  The
party needs a lock-opener or Cabbage-launching machine in a pinch.  This is
supposed to be RIGHT up the Junker's alley and.......

	The party has to wait 45 minutes while you're doing the math.

Lesson to be learned: If your gaming system has the number 18.3 ANYWHERE in
it, apologise immediately.