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[HoE] Re: [HOE] web sites

>Hey, speaking of that... what's going to be at the PEG booth at GenCon?

Well, they had the new Deadlands Weird West books there as well as most if not all of their normal stuff (their whole catalog)  I picked up the 2 HOE dime novels I couldn't find anywhere by me.  I just finished reading "Leftovers" today. and have to say it was quite good.  I'm looking foreward to running it with my posse.  I'm not sure if thet're going to have their new game, Brave New World, but I'm at least gonna try and play it..I missed out on it when I went to Origins,...just ran outta time.  Getting back on track, they should have everything in their normal catalog, and doing a brave new world push.  Being the PEG fanboy I am, I'll be shelling out some major cash...  But hey!  It's for deadlands!!! 

Rob "Need my PEG fix" Gehr