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Re: [HoE] A Survey of Earth-Shattering Proportions

In a message dated 7/4/99 12:26:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
smilingbandit2@yahoo.com writes:

<< Well, with all those high-class muckety mucks at
 Origins, I figure it's high time us po' boys have a
 major discussion.  To this end, I have an intriguing
 question to offer.  The following quotes come from The
 Wasted West:
 Pg 118:
      "Stone still has one last role to play in the
 tale of Deadlands..."
 Pg 119:
      "Where [Professor Hellstromme]'s gone now is a
 mystery we're keeping to ourselves for a while.  But
 the doctor will return.  And the Reckoners had best
 So what's gonna happen?  ;)
Let me just first say, power to non-origin peoples.  I have feeling, too 
y'know. and as for what happens with Stone here's my take:
	Now, i may just be a firm believer of good conquering evil, but 
somehow i don't think the folk-a-ronis over at Pinnacle are just gonna let 
the efforts of we wasters and deadlanders go all for not.  Alls i know is 
that somehow we beat Stone ( i personally would like to see the mother 
wasted, but maybe Pinnacle has some different views...) right now it's late 
at night and i can't do my best thinking so i'll leave that up to some other 
people. As for Hellstrome, I think he'll come back with ( what else) a time 
machine!  And he'll be ready and willing to toss any wasters he deams worthy 
back into the weird west maybe to stop Stone or maybe to act as some purpose 
on Faraway ( we'll just have to wait and see)

"100 monkeys, 100 Stones, 100 time machines add water and watch the fun 