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Re: [HoE] [HOE]templar question

Not to mention perhaps eventually getting visited by St. Jenny Hise.
Not a bad way to introduce a Martyr.


On Wed, 12 May 1999 18:11:33 EDT, you wrote:

>well, i guess he would tend to help more people than he should whether they 
>deserve it or not. he gains chips for playing his hindrance, and also annoys 
>simon and the other Templars at the same time. i would imagine he would be 
>making a lot of trips to Boise to explain himself. maybe even get a visit 
>from a few anti-templers who see a chance of gaining a new recruit. i would 
>think that with the heroic edge he will tend to go with the anti-templers 
>philosophy anyway. Either way you play it, its gonna give him a lot of faith 
>problems in the long run, does he follow simons teachings and abandon those 
>in need, or go with his heart and help everyone. Either way he's gonna be a 
>very confused Templar for a while.
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