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Re: [HoE] Re:Templar relics

If it sounded like I said the Posse should never be able to kill, 
sorry, when I reply to these it's 3am overhere and am also under the 
influence of vasts amounts of coffee! what I was trying to say (watch 
me fail at this too!) is that the servitors can be extremely powerful 
and are by their nature more powerful than the posse (hey they're 
almost invincable!), but can still be taken down for good IF the 
posse put in the effort to research them! now they can be taken down, 
however thats just gonna get 'em angry (I'm sure they like that, 
don't you!) so the posse had better be prepared before trying to take 
1 on, a few hours with the tablets imho would create too easy a 

I do have to disagree with Richard about servitors being an all-
powerful monsters that pc's should never be powerful to kill.  Once 
you know their weakness they shouldn't be to hard to put down.  The 
main rulebook said they take damage normally and can even be put down 
for a while just not truly killed without exploiting their weakness.  
For example a rocket launched at the lone biker of the apocolypse 
(great nod towards "Raising Arizona") should put him down and give 
the posse a good opputunity to walk up to him and get him in his 
achilles heel.  

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